Your Daily Foodprint

How little changes can have a massive impact

This project's starting point was a challenge initiated by the Data Viz society to create a data visualization for Earth Day 2020. Being someone who loves cooking (and even more eating!), visualizing our daily food choices' environmental impact was the natural way to go. Most of us eat 3 to 5 times a day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Tweaking how we eat is one of the most efficient ways to help our planet. And it's accessible! Making a huge difference doesn't necessarily require going full-time vegan. Small changes, repeated regularly, can have a MASSIVE impact when cumulated over one year.

On top of that, I often get asked where I find inspiration for my plant-based meals. So I thought it would be an excellent occasion to go public about my obsession with the recipes from My New Roots and Pick Up Limes and how they never fail at making me want to get lost in my kitchen.

My hope for this visualization is to help you better feel the repercussions these small changes can make and gather a few ideas for food swaps and new recipes to try out. You're welcome!

How to read this visualization

Color - Category
  • Land use (m2)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (kgCO2eq)
  • Freshwater withdrawal (L)
  • Eutrophying emissions (kgPO4eq)
  • Average cost (USD)
Circle area - Environmental impact
Water use (L)
Land use (m2) and other categories

Visualize your foodprint

Although this visualization is responsive, I recommend you play with it on a desktop screen for the full experience.Close
Hungry? Start by selecting what you'd like to eat.
Portion: g
Foodprint detail (per kg of food):
  • Land use : m2
  • Greenhouse gas emissions : kgCO2eq
  • Freshwater withdrawal : L
  • Eutrophying emissions : kgPO4eq
  • Average cost : USD
your current foodprint index by %.
  • Land use : %
  • Greenhouse gas emissions : %
  • Freshwater withdrawal : %
  • Eutrophying emissions : %
  • Average cost : %


The skeleton of this visualization is the data collected by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser and presented in the article Environmental impacts of food production1. By combining food products from this collection, I created meals and listed possible product and recipe swaps.

For each meal and swap, the visualization script recalculates the overall foodprint. This foodprint is a combination of 4 factors: the Land use (m2), the Greenhouse gas emissions (kgCO2eq), the Water use (L), and the Eutrophying emissions (kgPO4eq).

Since certain ingredients can increase some of the factors while reducing others, I came up with a Foodprint index to better assess how the choices made within this visualization increase or decrease our environmental impact. This index represents how significant our choices' impact is, compared to the maximal environmental effect potentially reached within this visualization, on a scale from 0 to 20.

Assessing the foodprint of a product is quite complicated. The evaluation methods and impact factors vary from one study to the next, making them complex to compare. This is why I decided to stick to using the data made available by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser1.

For the same reasons, I limited the visualization to each recipe's main ingredients and performed a few approximations. For example, I used tofu's data for the ingredient edamame and adjusted the calculation to the amount required for a portion.

Bottom line, the numbers generated by this visualization are here to give a global impression on how our food choices impact our environment. Not to provide precise numbers.

In the future, it would be interesting to add more day-to-day ingredients to the meals and swap choices, like yogurt and butter, for example. Such additions would make this visualization even more applicable to our daily life.


  1. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2020) - "Environmental impacts of food production". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  2. The Conscious Club (2019) - "Water & Food". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  3. Climate Footnotes (2017) - "Cheese vs. Meat – Which Carbon Footprint Is Higher?". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  4. Pacific Standard (2018) - "The Environmental Hazards of Intensive Shrimp Farming on the Mekong Delta". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  5. (2018) - "Rice farming has a surprisingly harmful environmental impact". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  6. New York Times (2019) - "The Real Problem With Beef". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  7. ScienceFocus - "How long does a shower have to be, to use the same amount of water as a bath?". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  8. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2018) - "Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle". Published online at Retrieved from: ''
  9. Recipes: Sadia Badiei - Pick Up Limes
  10. Recipes: Sarah Britton - My New Roots